Design Your Own Tour

    Full Name: (required)

    Nationality: (required)

    Email Address: (required)

    Alternative Email Address:

    Phone Number(required)

    Number of Adults: (required)

    Number of Children(under 12 years old):

    Number of Children(under 12 years old):

    Tour Starting Date:

    Arriving Flight Number:

    Departing Flight Number:

    Other Requirements:

    104 comments on “Design Your Own Tour

    1. Stefan Andersson says:

      Se land o. February 15 and departure 22.15
      Peking international airport.
      We are 3 persons and are interested of the Great Wall and the forbidden town, or what do you think
      How much it’s possible to see during that time

      Best regards
      Stefan Andersson

    2. Javier García Cazorla says:

      Hi, we are arriving to Beijing on 23 Nov at 06:15 am and leaving same day at 07:00 pm. Is there a possibility to visit the great wall and hutongs from the airport and drive back on time? We are two adults a, please provide the tour details. Also we can accept any other recommendation.

      • admin says:

        Hi Javier,

        Thank you for contacting us!

        We just sent you an email about the tour details, please check. We will make sure to transfer you back to the airport on time. No worries!

    3. Dominik Šteflík says:

      Hello, I have a question. We arrive to Bejing at 5:30 and leave at 20:00.
      Is it possible to see all of these with you?
      – Mutianyu Great Wall
      – Forbidden City
      – Tiananmen Square
      – Temple of Heaven

      • admin says:

        Hi Dominik,

        Yes, you will have enough time to above attractions during your layover in Beijing. We just sent an email about the tour details to you, please check. Thank you!

    Got a question? Ask us here. We will reply to you within 6 hours (normally within 1 hour).

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